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Strategic Plan



The "Strategic Plan" tool is a framework that guides your organization’s strategic thinking at three levels: priorities, strategies, actions.

A strategic plan is a medium-term plan that covers an organization’s basic goals and outlines the actions it will carry out, in view of its strategic choices. Use this tool when you want to think strategically several years ahead. It is a future-oriented tool with a 2- to 5-year horizon. A good strategic plan is bold, achievable, financially viable, consistent and motivational.

You may need the assistance of a consultant. Consult your team and the people you know when completing this tool and draw inspiration from existing examples.

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#116Plan d'action

Cet outil a été créé par :

Organisme créateur


Anglais · English
100 | Stratégie et développement · Vision, strategy and governance
Strategic planning
Difficile · Hard

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