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Cost Estimator for Touring a Show



The "Cost Estimator for Touring a Show" tool is used to estimate the costs of a tour.

This tool consists of two tabs. Use the first tab, the Touring Costs Estimator, to estimate the actual costs of touring, including all related expenses (cost of pre-tour rehearsals, accommodations, per diem, transportation, etc.).

Use the second tab, the Stage Costs Estimator, to estimate just the costs, salaries and expenses for each performance, excluding touring costs such as accommodations, per diem and transportation. This can be helpful for determining the minimum fee for which you should ask the presenter(s) to cover the cost of each performance.

This tool can also be useful for determining the amounts to be included in tour grant applications.

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#423Per Diem Calculator

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Anglais · English
400 | Diffusion · Presentation
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