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Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Tool #235


The "Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)" tool is a template you can use when drafting a non-disclosure agreement between two parties (e.g. a contractor, consultant, etc.).

Note that the obligation of confidentiality for employees and directors is specified in the Civil Code of Québec (CCQ-1991), codes of ethics or human resources policies. In such cases, it is not necessary to have a signed non-disclosure agreement, except in special situations.

There are several ways to write a non-disclosure agreement. This template is suitable for straightforward or generic cases and you should adapt it to each situation. To that end, it is recommended that you consult a legal advisor who is a member of the Quebec bar. It should be noted that the person who signs the agreement on behalf of the organization must be authorized to do so by resolution of the board of directors.

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Anglais · English
200 | Administration · Administration
HR: contracts and policies
Level of difficulty:
Facile · Easy

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