Learning Map

The Learning map is a simple, easy-to-access self-learning tool for the arts and culture community. It consists of 8 modules covering the essentials of arts management.
In each module, learners are invited to navigate between the information to discover :
- Short presentation videos
- Inspirational interviews with arts practitioners
- Exercises for individuals and groups
- References to tools, articles to read and organizations to discover
The courses are designed to offer an interactive experience so that they can be consulted at one’s own pace, areas of interest and learning capacity. The modules aim to be an enriching and inclusive experience!
The 8 modules have been designed to personalize navigation within the course according to the user’s interests.
The modules :
#1 : Overview of the arts ecosystem (French available/English coming soon)
#2 : Définir son identité artistique et ses communications (FR)
#3 : Gestion d’une production artistique (FR)
#4 : Rassembler une équipe de création et de production (FR)
#5 : How to write grant applications? (French available/English coming soon)
#6 : Diversifier ses sources de revenus (FR)
#7 : Tenir le cap sur sa gestion administrative (FR)
#8 : Déployer une pensée stratégique pour sa carrière et ses projets (FR)
- To access and explore the modules, log into our virtual space once you are part of our community. To join it and create your online account, follow these steps.
- To search for specific tools and contents, consult our online directory.
- Contact us for any other questions.
Ideation and content creation : Rachel Billet
Project coordinator and general graphic facilitator : José Lara Menéndez
Project assistant : Yvonne Patel
Content contributors : Marie Ayotte, Morgane de Bellefeuille, Thérèse Ghobriel, Ariel Lefebvre, Brice Noeser, Michaël Toppings, Ingrid Vallus
External feedback : Marie-Jeanne Beaulieu
Translation & revision : Bernadette Blain, Brice Noeser, Michaël Toppings, Yvonne Patel
Graphic facilitation (summary sheets) : Visual Versa – Alina Gutierrez M.
Production studio : Scratch Takes – John Castillo, Caylamina Roberts, Liz Bellotti, Alex Francoeur, Priam David
Graphic designer : Okhan Orhan
Voice actors : Maxime Beauregard-Martin (français), Laurence Clinton (anglais), Lucas DiTecco (anglais), Laurence Régnier (français)
Interview guests : Lilie Bergeron, Julie-Marie Bourgeois, Kim-Sanh Châu, Karla Étienne, Caroline Ferland, Catherine Gauthier, George Krump, Stéphanie Laurin, Sylvie Lavoie, Émilie Martel, Nick Maturo, Marlène Morin, Dorian Nuskind-Oder, Dominique Rheault, Angélique Willkie
Artwork in interviews : Dédale 22-01 de Jean-Sébastien Denis
The Machinerie would like to thank its funders for their trust in this initiative and for their financial support throughout the creation of the Learning map. The Learning map was funded with the support of the Government of Canada and the Canada Council for the Arts.